纯银线 涤纶,PET 绣花线
主要原料 | 涤纶,PET | 类型 | 绣花线 |
质量等级 | 优等品 | 品牌 | Alawys ,Kyowa |
颜色 | 多种颜色 | 用途 | 电脑绣花 |
(电脑绣花线)、耐酸碱金银丝、高捻度多股金银线等多个系列,包括各种颜色。我厂生产的产品,色泽度好,断线率低,不易打卷,份量足,得到广大新老客户的认可,极力服务于内销及外贸市场;以电脑绣花线为主,尤其是纯银,质量稳定,价格公道。期待您的垂询,联系电话,或057986701658。we are professional in producing metallic yarns ,with
the made-in-china materials or imported materials.the specification include m type,m
h type,mx type,ms type(for embroidery) ,multi-folded yarn ,and so on ...we can
offer metallic yarn of good quality and of good price ,with several kinds of colors ,
welcome to contact us ,e-mail :mxw_davy2008@hotmail.com oralwaysmetallic@163.com
tel: +86