东阳市巍山镇奥维斯金银线厂是专业生产各种国产及进口金银绣花线,以MS型电脑绣花线为主,包括M型、MH型、MX型及MS型(电脑绣花线)、耐酸碱金银丝、高捻度多股金银线等多个系列,包括各种颜色。本厂生产的产品色泽度好,断线率低,不易打卷,份量足,得到广大顾客的认可,极力服务于内销及外贸市场。以电脑绣花线为主,尤其是纯银,质量稳定,价格公道。期待您的垂询。we are professional in producing metallicyarns ,with
the made-in-Chinamaterialsorimportedmaterials.The specification include M type,MH type,MX type,MS type(for embroidery) ,multi-folded yarn ,and so on ...We can offer metallic yarn ofgoodquality and of good price ,with several kinds of colors ,
Welcometocontactus ,Email :mxw_davy2008@hotmail.com or alwaysmetallic@163.com
tel: +8613858975520
the made-in-Chinamaterialsorimportedmaterials.The specification include M type,MH type,MX type,MS type(for embroidery) ,multi-folded yarn ,and so on ...We can offer metallic yarn ofgoodquality and of good price ,with several kinds of colors ,
Welcometocontactus ,Email :mxw_davy2008@hotmail.com or alwaysmetallic@163.com
tel: +8613858975520
- 主要经营产品:
- 金银线 ; 金银绣花线 ; 金银丝
- 经营范围:
- 金银线加工。
- 营业执照号码:
- 330783620015112
- 法人代表:
- 马其林
- 经营模式:
- 无
- 成立时间:
- 2009-11-04
- 注册资本:
- 无需验资 (万元)
- 官方网站:
- 未提供